The Power of Perspective…?

These pictures of of an English sidewalk artist who gives a
three-dimensional appearance to his artwork.  When viewed from a
specific angle, you can see how they appear to grow out of the sidewalk
(smile).  It reminds me of an old painting by Hans Holbeim the
Younger which had a long white smear along its base–when the canvas
was bent and turned to the side, the white blur actually showed itself
to be a painting of a human skull (“Holbein” means “hollow bone,” so it
may have been his way of signing the artwork).  Anyway, thought
you all might enjoy…

I prefer Pepsi to Coke, but I won’t hold that against the Limey (smile).

Anyone else wondering if he’s getting paid for these little commercials of his?  Coke…Rembrandt art supplies…

This reminds me of an illustration Frank gave in a sermon once, about how we are all like toy ships…do you all remember it?

So in this one it seems as if the little man is standing atop a giant
globe, but below we see how the sidewalk painting is actually nearly
forty feet in length…

From this point of view, it seems much more a grotesque blob.  The
power of perspective, huh?  I suppose the same is true
spiritually–when we lose the vision of the Cross, everything becomes
grotesque.  This can happen even with spiritual things
themselves!  Our view of grace, for example…if it becomes
somehow distorted so that we suspect we earned any part of it, it
becomes a monster and a wicked philosophy.   We could then
begin to exclude certain folks from it, as if they were less worthy
than ourselves.  May God grant that we have the mind and attitude
of Christ, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our